Driving Insights by CARFAX Canada

When it Comes to Used Cars, What Vehicle Details do Your Customers Actually Care About?

Written by CARFAX Canada | Fri, Sep 9, 2022

Used car buyers have an additional challenge – while figuring out what make and model of vehicle they’d like to buy, they also have to decide which specific unit is right for them. Having the right information about a potential vehicle is essential if a customer is going to choose to buy from you, and missing information could make a customer assume the worst.

When it comes to selecting a specific unit, this is the information your customers really care about: over 4 out of 5 say that mileage info, current condition, accident information, and maintenance history were the most important during their recent purchase. Information like the number of previous owners and the location of previous ownership is still important but to fewer buyers.

A crucial component of marketing used vehicles is ensuring potential customers have the right information to decide if a specific vehicle is right for them. To ensure customers have all the information they need, feature mileage, current condition, as well as accident and maintenance history prominently on your listings. Being upfront about the condition and history of a vehicle can also help you avoid having a price that is suspiciously low or unjustifiably high, and shows customers you’re a dealer they can trust to be transparent with them.